Since 2007, Gordon has been providing affordable home services for senior citizens and persons in need of temporary help.
They usually like live independently in their own dwelling houses instead of moving to senior homes, but sometimes find the daily home maintenance becoming difficult.
Over the years, he has serviced over one hundred homes in Etobicoke and other municipalities in Metropolitan Toronto, Ontario.
His services are related to gardening and exterior maintenance,
including technical advices about feasibility of construction projects.
Garden at Berry Creek Drive, North Etobicoke
Fee is charged hourly for labour and there is a mininum of one hour charge. Materials or supplies, if required, are charged on cost plus a small delivery fee.
Payment is paid by cash or cheque. There is no written contract. No retail tax or federal sales tax are not added for the time being.
Receipts and monthly statements are available, if requested, for insurance or official purposes.
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Click for weather forecast
Meteorologists measure temperature by placing the sensor of a thermometer at 1.2-1.8 metres(4-6 ft) off the ground.
When Fall starts?
According to Farmer's Almanac, the autumnal equinox brings the fall season to the Northern Hemisphere on September 22 at 10:29 P.M. EDT in 2014.
Some people think the four seasons divide the year by three months each and Fall starts on September 1, while other think the Fall starts after Labour Day when the schools start on September 2.
Yard Waste Pick-up Rules(Toronto)
The waste should be placed in Kraft paper bags, open rigid containers(97cm/3ft max height) or bundles of
0.6m/2ft max dia and 1.2m/4 ft max length. Max weight is 20kg/44lb for each item; in addition max diameter for any tree branches is 7.5cm/3". There is no limit to the number of items. The waste should be placed on curbs before 7 a.m. on the scheduled date.